IPL Photorejuvenation
What is Photorejuvenation?
When it comes to treating superficial facial blemishes, Dr. Jacono has been helping patients at his medical spa for over a decade now. One of the treatments that he uses is called a photofacial or photorejuvenation. This type of laser treatment helps to correct skin damaged by the sun, age spots, acne scars, freckles, wrinkles, and blemishes. It is also a good treatment to help with Rosacea which is a non-curable medical condition that causes your skin to be red and flushed with tiny burning bumps. While photorejuvenation cannot cure Rosacea, it is commonly used to help control the flare ups and redness.
Photofacials are considered a non-surgical procedure with no downtime. It works by using intense non-erosive light waves to address skin tissue damage or even treat hyperpigmentation (darker patches of skin) without damaging or harming your healthy cells. Because there is no cell damage, this allows patients to resume work and other activities without any downtime.
How do Photofacials work?
Photofacials / photorejuvenation use intense pulsed light which works much differently than lasers do. Some lasers use only a single wavelength of light, but photo facials use a broad spectrum of light. This broad spectrum allows Dr. Jacono to reach multiple layers of skin without causing any cell damage. This intense pulsed light is sometimes referred to as IPL Photorejuvenation and during the treatment, there are brief flashes of light for each treatment area.
When the IPL flashes, you will experience a warming sensation stimulating your body’s natural ability to heal. It also encourages new collagen growth under the skin which helps with the healing and rejuvenation process. By working with a broad spectrum of light, the IPL Photorejuvenation treatment will work on both the outer layer of the skin and underlying skin tissue. The result is smoother and younger looking skin with a healthy rejuvenated glow.
IPL Photorejuvenation Benefits
Dr. Jacono and the J Spa Medical Spa staff use IPL Photorejuvenation to effectively treat the following conditions:
- Wrinkles
- Blemishes
- Acne Scars
- Sun Damaged Skin
- Age Spots
- Enlarged Pores
- Hyperpigmentation
- Rosacea
What to Expect from IPL Photofacials
Photofacials are noninvasive treatments but might not be right for every patient. During your consultation, Dr. Jacono will review your goals and expectations with you and determine if the IPL treatment or a combination of treatments are right for you. Each patient works with Dr. Jacono to develop a custom rejuvenation solution that is right for them.
If Dr. Jacono determines that you are a good candidate for IPL Photorejuvenation, he will begin treatment by applying a cooling gel to the treatment areas on your face. This cooling gel will help to protect all the healthy skin cells and provide each patient a high level of comfort during the procedure.
IPL treatments are administered using a handpiece that allows Dr. Jacono to guide the laser over each treatment area. IPL treatments usually take between 30 to 60 minutes and patients can carry on with their normal daily activities without that dreaded downtime.
Am I a Good Candidate for IPL Photorejuvenation?
Good candidates for the IPL treatments are men and women who are suffering from sun damage or blotchy skin, freckles, wrinkles, or rosacea. Women who are pregnant or patients who are taking Accutane are not considered good candidates for this type of procedure, as well as patients with darker skin. Dr. Jacono and his staff will be able to determine if this procedure is right for you during your consultation.
To schedule a consultation for IPL Photofacial please contact our office by phone at 516-773-2424 or by completing our online form.
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